Many people did not use their laptop battery during the daily using
of laptop, so they remove the battery and restore it alone for long time, think
it will protectly the laptop battery well. In fact, this view is wrong.
Now most of the laptop battery are all activated before they are
sold, so it is unnecessary to charge the new buying laptop battery for 12 hours
with the laptop is turned off for three times. ( canon bp-511 battery )
The way to correct the laptop battery:
When the laptop battery capacity reduce much and obviously feel the
laptop use time is reduced can use the Laptop Battery Calibration, the
laptop battery should be calibrated once every three months according to the official
1. First, enter to the laptop BIOS, ( press F2 or ECS )
2. Choose to enter the POWER menu
3. Choose Start Battery Calibration, it will appear a point, you
should connect the laptop ac adapter at this time, and use the adapter charge
the laptop battery.
4. When the screen appera the point “please remove ac adapter”,
remove the laptop ac adapter and wait the laptop battery discharge until the
laptop automatic shutdown. ( canon eos-300d battery )
5. Connect the ac adapter after the laptop shutdown, chage the
battery until the charge indicator turns off, and the battery calibration
complete. ( the whole process needs about 4 – 5 hours )
So the best way to protect your laptop battery is not don’t use it
and restore it alone for long time, in fact, store the laptop battery for long
time can not prolong the battery life and use time, but it will lead to your
laptop battery damaged more quickly, so even though you do not use your laptop
battery for long time, you should also let your battery charge and discharge
once every three months. ( canon nb-4l battery )