

Google search advertising is the perfect Facebook Ads did not work

According to media reports, Google advertising executive Jason Bigler said that he is not surprised the nation's third-largest advertiser-General Motors get its $ 10 million of Facebook advertising budget completely withdraw, because Facebook advertising did not effect.

Bigler yesterday in the Twitter website said: "Strictly speaking, do you really think that consumers will produce the idea of shopping on Facebook ?”

The facts show that the Bigler view is right. Facebook is not Google, the reason is simple: Google has a perfect online advertising products, but Facebook do not know it's online advertising product is what kind of.

Google has the perfect online advertising is search advertising. The reason why Google's search advertising is perfect, because those who pay for advertising advertisers know that the people who see this ads themselves also want to see these ads. When consumers visit the Google website, search for products or related information, and then Google will send them the company that produce those products and their competitors company's advertising

Google ads’ targeted are not virtual. But Facebook advertising is quite different, its ads are still using outdated methods.

When an advertiser buy a TV commercial advertising time, it is because the advertisers have been told what kind of consumers will watch that channel programs, and thses advertisers must also confirm this kind of consumers are the consumers they really want to come into contact.

Facebook advertising is to use this method. Its sells advertising is based on the what kind of people will see what kind of content. Compared to the television advertising, now Facebook has the only advantage is Facebook users will talk about a lot of things on the site, Facebook can reveal some information about what people will see their ads to the advertisers.

But compared to the television advertising, Facebook’s biggest disadvantage is its advertising is very easy to be ignored by consumers. Not only because it is very small, but also these ads can only be seen on corner of the Facebook.com website. Such ads usually can not have a good introduction to the advertisers and their products, and therefore can not effectively persuade consumers to go shopping.

If you are an advertiser, which advertising will you first choose to buy ? Which advertising will be showed to the consumers that want to know your products or your competers ? Or showed to the consumers that are interested in buying your products.

You will certainly choose a search advertising, or television advertising, but certainly does not give priority to the Facebook advertising. This is the reason that Facebook's advertising business development slower than expected, Its advertising business or have no accelerated development. It also did not develop a better product than the current advertising products.

